Save our Tigers

"Save our Tigers" is a campaign recently launched by "Aircel" an upcoming mobile operator in India. Aircel has partnered with WWF-India to save our tigers. Its sad that someone has to make us realize our responsibilities - a responsibility to be a human being.

There are just 1411 tigers left and now that Aircel has launched a campaign to save our tigers I guess this will make a huge difference. Many celebrities and sports stars are promoting this campaign and has supported the move of Aircel. I am roaring for them and even you can join the roar to support the tigers; our national animal need our support. To support them please visit and join the roar: Save our Tigers by Aircel.

You can continue reading this later but first visit the above URL and join the roar.

I am supporting them because I am a human being and I very well know my responsibilities. We all know we are human being and hurting, killing or destroying is not our activity. Why do we get involved in these kind of stuffs?

A human being is the most powerful creature in this world and we as a human being are utilizing this power to destroy the world. Today its our national animal, yesterday it were trees & forest, tomorrow it will be something else and someday it could be ourself. We need to understand the basic, we need to understand the difference between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, we need to maintain peace in this world. For saving tiger we don't have to do any extraordinary thing, we just have to be a human being. Our existence is because of this world and we need to save this world and every creature that belongs to this world. No other creature expect human being has this understanding. So what we have to do is to understand our responsibilities and follow them.

Today, we see everything from commercial angle. We only think about our profits, our increments, our gadgets, our lifestyle and all that funnels to our commercial world. The usage of bones of wild tigers for traditional oriental medicine along with the international trade of tiger skins continues to be the main reason for poaching tigers of India. Approximately 121 tigers were killed in 1995, 81 in 1999, 72 in 2001 and on an average 35 tigers are killed every year since 2005.

I don't have the data on number of human beings killed every year but I am sure the number would be worst. I hope, wish and pray that a day never comes in future when someone has to run a campaign "Save Human Beings."
4 Responses
  1. Rahul Says:

    Grt post bhu1!!
    M joining the roar...rite away

  2. Anonymous Says:


    the TV campaign has led me to join the roar and it has led u too.

    but the best job u did was,u have invited others with ur powerful words.

    great job done buddy.

    keep going.

    - Nihar

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Dear Bhuvan!

    I am vaibhav pandey! Very happy to see the way you are dedicating your self for saving the tiger..

    Really it's amazing..

    Vaibhav -
    Noida Golf Course...

  4. Bhuvan Says:

    Hi Vaibhav, Thx for appreciating my efforts. I am happy to see that people are enjoying reading my blog.