Being Human

Being human is the foundation set up by our very own Mr. Salman Khan – One of the biggest celebrities of India - for helping the cause of the underprivileged. It has been years now and this organization is growing truly fast and helping lots of people in need. Of course I am not going to write something about this foundation as I don’t have right to do so but I want to write about these two golden words “Being Human” which seems losing its meaning as years are passing.

People have forgotten the values and virtues of humanity. Today it is very difficult to differentiate between a human and an animal. People prefer to tame animals on adopting a child; they feed animals & insult humans. Something that can differentiate or I should say was used to differentiate human from animals was the power to think and feel for the benefit of others.

Human being are now getting very much focused; we are focused to grow, become successful; we are focused to earn more (mind it, it’s not earn, its earn more); we are focused to compete with others; we are focused to humiliate others. Competing with each other is not bad, but it should not be in access. People are so eager to compete that they could give anything to be successful; it could be even someone’s life. Now a days the value of someone's life is no more than few $s. If we want to achieve success by killing, humiliating, cheating others then in that case why did we evolve to humanity from our ancestors. Why didn't we stop our self to jungle where we were sure that if we didn't kill the other, he will for sure? 

The phrase "Survival of the fittest" is what most of people believes in however this is completely misunderstood now a days. The term was coined by British Philosopher Herbert Spencer. In this phrase the fittest does not mean the most violent or the most aggressive person and it no way says that if you are strong physically or with a sharp mind you are fit to survive. It was meant to describe the evolution of natural selection; however if you refer the modern studies the evolution of natural selection is much more than just survival of the fittest. Natural selection describes what happens in living world but it does not tell us how we human should behave. Whatever be the case, anything happening in nature does not justify people behaving in the same way. We have huge number of multicellular organisms as compared to unicellular organisms. In multicellular organisms, cell cannot live alone instead they live together and cooperate with each other. Even the complex cells are evolved from cooperating simple cells. "Cooperation" justifies the new survival strategy. 

We human hardly cooperate with others; we are so very busy running to see our self on the top that we have forgotten how to cooperate with others, how to be kind with others, how to grow together. If we simply consider are daily activities then how many of we cooperate to the traffic rules? How many of we cooperate with the servants at our home? Which management cooperates with employees/labors (they would cooperate with clients though, as there they have an advantage)? The reason why we don't cooperate is that we have started becoming selfish. What we only want is our own advantage. We always complain for the salary we get from our employer (even though it is as per industry standard) and on other hand we always bargain with servant at our home for nominal wages even though what they are asking is as per the standard. We don't want to wait for something, or we don't have a patience to wait for something, we just want everything at the speed of our imagination, at the speed of our thought, be it at any cost; in short we are becoming more and more selfish.

If we are turning selfish, how could we be human? Animals are selfish, they attack other animals or humans for food. Again it does not apply to all animals; few attacks humans only when we try to play fool with them. Humans have also started killing, attacking people for their own greed. The greed to achieve something, the greed to possess something, the greed to become successful and we go blind while achieving the same. Even if we try to help someone we are always haunted with the thought of getting cheated while we are trying to help others. We are taught that when we are driving on highways we should avoid giving lifts to stranger; certainly very necessary because these days in 90% of cases there is a chance that we will be looted. We avoid giving lifts even if the person seems to be innocent. How to judge if he/she is innocent? How would a human trust a human in this case? 

With this kind of thoughts how long will we be able to help or cooperate with others. The kindness is reducing drastically and will definitely extinct one day. Being Human started by Salman Khan is certainly a very good initiative but unless every one of us contributes in kindness & humanity the values and virtues of humanity will not exist. If we believe that we are human we need to take such initiatives and develop such belief that reflects humanity - A belief to help others, a belief to cooperate with others, a belief to grow with others, a belief of kindness, a belief of humanity.